
Papers and proceedings

Repetition reduction across the lexicon of American Sign Language. 2023. Martinez del Rio, Aurora. Doctoral dissertation. University of Chicago. [Link]

Identifying the Correlations Between the Semantics and the Phonology of American Sign Language and British Sign Language: A Vector Space Approach. 2022. Martinez del Rio*, Aurora, Casey Ferrara*, Sanghee J. Kim*, Emre Hakgüder  & Diane Brentari.  Frontiers in Psychology (13). (*=equal contribution) [Link to paper

Fingerspelling recognition in the wild with iterative visual attention. 2019. Shi, Bowen, Aurora Martinez del Rio, Jonathan Keane, Diane Brentari, Greg Shakhnarovich & Karen Livescu. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 5400-5409).  [link]

American sign language fingerspelling recognition in the wild. 2018.  Shi, Bowen, Aurora Martinez del Rio, Jonathan Keane, Jonathan Michaux, Diane Brentari, Greg Shakhnarovich & Karen Livescu. In 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT) (pp. 145-152). IEEE. 


Repetition Reduction across Multiple Repetitions in ASL Signs. 2023. Martinez del Rio, Aurora.  97th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. [link]

Comparing reduction across the ASL lexicon: Fingerspelling and lexical signs. 2022. Martinez del Rio, Aurora & Diane Brentari. Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. National Museum of Ethnography, Osaka. [Poster]

Repetition Reduction across Multiple Repetitions in ASL Fingerspelling. 2021. Martinez del Rio, Aurora  & Diane Brentari.  95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. [slides]

A vector semantic approach to identifying iconicity in American Sign Language and British Sign Language. 2021. Hakgüder, Emre, Aurora Martinez del Rio, Casey Ferrara, Sanghee Kim & Diane Brentari.  95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. [link]

Repetition Reduction across Multiple Repetitions in ASL Fingerspelling. 2020. Martinez del Rio, Aurora  & Diane Brentari.  Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory, Paris. [link]

Finding systematicity in the margins: Polysyllabic forms in the ASL lexicon. 2019. Martinez del Rio, Aurora. Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. Universität Hamburg. [link]

Phonetic and Phonological Reduction in Fingerspelled Forms. 2019. Martinez del Rio, Aurora, Bowen Shi, Jonathan Keane, Greg Shakhnarovich, Diane Brentari, Julia Kersten, & Karen Livescu. Workshop on Automatic Recognition and Analysis of American Sign Language. The University of Chicago.